Removing a personalised number plate

Personalised number plate removal in the UK is pretty straightforward. There are a few basic rules. But if the vehicle qualifies it's really simple.

What to check before removal

Whatever your vehicle, it must be of a type that needs an MoT or HGV test certificate.

Under the current rules the car should have:

  1. Valid MoT (if applicable) - or not run out more than 12 months ago.
  2. Valid tax - or not run out more than 12 months ago
  3. Qualify under the Cherished Transfer Scheme (e.g. not exempt from MoT and tax)
  4. Belong to you if you are the applicant

See How to remove a private number plate for the most up-to-date step by step instructions.

What do you want to do?

You can either:

  1. Transfer the personalised number plate straight to another car, or
  2. Hold the registration number on a Retention Document, to use later.

How to apply for personalised number plate removal

You need these:

  1. V317 form (download from here)
  2. V5C Registration Document
  3. DVLA fee.

You'll find more details  instructions on the DVLA V317 form.

How do I get another number plate for my car?

When your application for personalised number plate removal is approved by the DVLA, they will allocate a replacement registration number to the car. You don't need to buy another one. All you need to do is get new number plates made up.

What happens next?

The DVLA will process your application. They may ask to inspect your car before the removal of your number plate is approved. This is more common for older cars.

You will then get a letter from the DVLA, with these things:

  1. Details of replacement registration number
  2. Replacement tax disc
  3. Replacement MoT certificate
  4. V948 Authorisation to have number plates made up

A short while later you will also get:

  1. V778 Retention Document (if putting personalised number plate on hold)
  2. Replacement V5C Registration Document for your car.

How long does it take for personalised number plate removal?

You should allow around 3-4 weeks for the DVLA to process a personalised number plate removal from your vehicle. That may become much shorter when the service is available online at some point over the next few years.

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