DVLA V10 Application form for car tax

DVLA V10 Application form for tax disc

Download DVLA V10 Application for car tax

DVLA V10 Application form for vehicle tax


Use this DVLA V10 form to apply for a new tax disc. Just download the form, print, and complete it.

Send it with payment for the appropriate tax for your vehicle. Check your vehicle tax rates (opens new window) to make sure you get this right.

You cannot transfer private number plates to a car if it is not currently taxed. You can, however, apply for tax at the same time as transferring a registration number. Just enclose the DVLA V10 form and payment with the other vehicle documents requested.

You can also do this online. Go to https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax and follow the on-screen instructions (opens new window).

Other DVLA forms you may need:

DVLA V62 Application for Vehicle Registration Certificate V5C

Use this form to apply for a Vehicle Registration Document V5C if you've bought a vehcile but you haven't received the V5C in your name.Or if you've lost / damaged your V5C and need to get a replacement (DVLA fees apply - see form for details).

Full instructions on how to complete it are with the form.

DVLA V317 private number plate transfer retention form

Use this form to apply to transfer private number plates from one vehicle to another vehicle, or to put it onto a Retention Document. Instructions are on the form. Check the details carefully and complete the appropriate section(s).

DVLA V750 Certificate of Entitlement

You may have one of these for your private number plates.

See full list of DVLA forms for private number plates

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