What happens to car insurance when I buy a private number plate?

what happens to car insurance when buy private number plate


What do I do with my car insurance when I buy a private number plate?

Your car insurance policy documentation will have the previous registration number displayed. When you buy a private number plate and transfer it to your car, you must inform your car insurance company to enable them to update their records.


When do I tell my car insurance company the number plate has changed?

You should get in touch with them as soon as you receive official DVLA notification that the registration number has been changed. This will be in the form of a letter. Your replacement V5C Registration Document will arrive separately. You do not need to wait for this to arrive.


What happens next?

Your insurance company will change their records, and send you a replacement Policy Schedule. In most cases this changes straightaway.


Does my insurance company get informed automatically?

No. You must contact them to let them know. They will be able to check on their database. But their records are not updated automatically. The DVLA will not contact them to let them know the registration number has changed on your vehicle.


Does it cost me anything to change my car insurance policy?

Unfortunately, we cannot advise you on this as each company is different.

Your insurance company may make an admin charge to amend their records and send you a replacement Policy Schedule. Check with them first if you are concerned about this.


Does a private number plate increase the cost of my car insurance?

We would not expect that having a private number plate on your car will affect the price of your insurance policy. You should check this with your provider.



If you have more questions about your specific circumstances, you should contact your insurance company direct. They will be able to advise you accordingly.




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How do I buy a private number plate?

What happens to my car documents?


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