How can I use numbers to make a name or word?
Using numbers to represent letters on a car registration is common in the UK, because of the restrictions we have on the formats we have. You can't just make something up and register it like you can in other countries.
Digits can be used to represent a letter. For instance the number 4, when it appears before the letters NDY can be used to represent the name Andy. For example J14 NDY.
We've listed below some standard options, to help you get started. They're not every possibility, but covers the common letter / number substitutions used.
Can I change the number plate letters?
- You can't distort the numbers / letters to make a name or word more "obvious"
- You can't change spaces around
- You can't use screws and tape to change the way a number or letter is represented.
Take a look at UK DVLA number plate law for more on what's legal with number plates.
Substitute for letters, using numbers.
Here's a list of the most common occasions when a number may be used to represent a letter (or the other way around).
A >> 4
B >> 8 6 3 13
C >> 6 0 O
D >> 0 O
E >> 3
F >>
G >> 8 9
H >> 4 11
I >> 1 11 Y
J >>
K >>
L >> 1 I
M >> 111
N >> 1 1V
O >> 0 D
P >> 9
Q >> 0 O
R >> 2 12
S >> 5
T >> 7
U >> 11
V >>
W >> VV
Y >> 7
Z >> 2
This is not a complete list. Some replacements (not listed) can work well in a particular number plate.
We have lots more advice and help on how to find private number plates.